Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rough Draft of Proposal

Hello, My name is Grace Choi and I am an international student, Living
at Hale Ikena A202. Now I am working on my senior project and summer classes.

I came to UHH in 2009. I indicated that I am easily
distracted by noise when I was writing the application for the housing
in the first place and I also said I really need Japanese roommate or
at least Asian roommate OR if it is impossible, just QUIET roommate,
because I wanted to concentrate only on my grade and study not on the
argument between me and my roommate. But my request was not accepted so
far. It is understandable because I understand it is not possible to
make all student`s requests to be successful.
I lived at room B 100 which is right next to laundry room, lounge,
the Arch of Hilo office and main door. It is a pain to deal with all
the noises which you would not be able to understand if you`ve never
lived in my room; students are singing, watching movie, chatting,
screaming, yelling until 5-6am at the entrance door or lounge. It was
really painful so I went to Kauanoe office to ask if I can change the
room, and the answer was no, she said there was priority and first
priority is always local Hawaiian students, and international students
like me are considered as the very last ones. So I just came back to my room.
Since then,I am trying really really hard to
bear with these situations and concentrate on my study because I really
need to graduate this year.
In the final week of March, at 2am on Saturday, I was working on my paper. I was having three exams on Monday and two papers involved in my senior project and one essay they
were all due on Sunday. But then one of the girls living my next
door(B102) was totally drunken and started to sing in the hall way. I
tried my best to endure with this situation because I didn`t want to
ruin my paper. But she was keep laughing and shouting and being really
loud until 3am, and it was beyond my limit. I could not concentrate on
my final anymore, So I wanted to report it to the housing office, because the girls living in the
next doors so far, they had this issues that bullying and swearing to
Asian students(saying
fucking Asians are everywhere, go back to
your country”, etc), smoking weed at dorm, blasting music and swearing
when we ask them to close the door. I was suffering with all the issues
for the whole semester but was bearing with all that, but should I
endure more when someone`s drunken and ruining my final when I really
need to graduate? So I went out and started to record what they were
doing. Then they started to laugh at me and called me a huge bitch, and
tried to use violence to break my camera. I was scared and went to the
CC`s room and she was not there. So I came back to my room and tried to
start my paper again. Then one of the girls knocked my door and ran
away. So I came to her room and asked if she was knocking on my door.
And she and her 3 friends started to bully me and laugh at me and
swore. They said to me this is the united states of America, not your country, so they have their
freedom to do whatever they want to do, and when I tried to say
something, they just laughed and swore to me. After a while securities
came. So I told them about everything but the securities just wanted me
to go to bed, saying all dorms of universities in the US are like this.
I came to my room, the drunken girl was laughing and being loud until the sun rise. Now my precious time of final is gone like this and I am sure it effected on my grade. I am writing a letter because I
really think this is not right. One of Korean student visited the
housing office and reported her roommate for using drugs at dorm and
the answer for her was ‘every university students are like that
If all CCs or housing staffs just understand this kind of situations, saying it is just O.K, because all American university students are like that, then what can international students like me
learn here at UHH. We are out of our home country even if the tuition
is expensive and all because we think we could learn more beneficial things at here in the US.
If smoking weed at dorm, picking on/bullying specific race, drinking alcohols,
swearing, yelling in quiet hours; are acceptable because every student
is like that when it interrupts INNOCENT OTHERS AND EFFECT ON THEIR
GRADE, why housing policy is exist? Or should I just let it go and
endure with this situation like I did so far? Because this is the U.S?

Hello all~

hi I am Grace